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Monday, January 30, 2012

I don't like Mondays....But this one wasn't so bad...

I started the day with my usual 3:15am wake-up, to the sound of my annoying alarm clock.   Showered, headed into work, and a couple of hours later , my pictures began. 

You can't beat a beautiful sunrise over the Petitcodiac River.

It was a busy day at work..  Lots of news stories....The day ended and then it was home to nap(as I usually do on Mondays) 

Before I laid down,  I played with Nova, our newest family member....She is settling in very nicely.  Still very playful, and she manages to keep herself entertained but she loves when we throw the ball for her....And here's a picture with her best friends, the Monkey.....

There's no lack of love in our household for Nova, that's for sure...But the kids are still hoping for a dog later this year.  My husband is set on a greyhound, but there is a process you have to go through, and they won't adopt to families with children under the age of 5....So we have to wait until our son has his birthday...

This evening, some strange footprints were found on the deck....We sometimes have skunks, or raccoons go through our garbage on the side deck....That's usually during the summer months.  Tonight, I found the footprints of some type of bird......Could possibly be a crow I guess, but it's not something we see very often(near our garbage anyway...We have plenty of crows around though!!).....And it doesn't look like they pecked their way into any of the bags either.  I was thinking maybe a chicken....LOL   That thought is in connection to a news story my co-worker did earlier today... "An experimental chicken farm in Moncton has worked out so well, the idea could soon become a reality in the Hub City."  Here's the link if you're interested in reading more..

Oh, and I almost forgot, I took pictures of the footprints..

I chatted with my mom in Florida, and a girlfriend as well....and that is pretty much my day in a nutshell...Not much excitement there, but overall, it wasn't too bad of a day...Can't complain, life is too short to do that...

Now, off to bed!  3:15AM comes far too quickly...

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