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Monday, January 23, 2012

New appliances sometimes come with an additional price.....

I put my husband to work this past weekend...well it didn't take too much coaxing.....He played musical light fixtures in 4 now we need to purchase one more light fixture for our computer room...and he also replaced our dishwasher.  It has been acting up a lot lately, and our friends,  the Weir's,  had recently purchased a new one, so they sold us their old one...Big improvement...

So, the struggle began on Sunday afternoon...My husband, trying to get the old dishwasher out...His first question was, "How in the world did I get this in, in the first place?"

Those pictures were taken after he managed to get it out somewhat.....He had to take the door off though which meant taking it all apart....

Taking out the dishwasher comes with a price though...

Now, that crack was first made when we put the dishwasher in...But it's worse now..So......not sure how much it is going to cost to replace the countertop....but it may be something we have to consider..or save up for...

There's the new( to us) dishwasher now in place...Ran the first cycle tonight...Waiting for the dishes to dry...I'll have to get back to you on whether or not they are cleaner than when we washed dishes with our old machine.

Applause to my husband for all of his hard work!

Since we met, he has really tried a lot of new things renovation wise.  And he has learned a lot about electrical and plumbing jobs from his workplace, so it comes in very handy around the house...He has become a real DIY'er!  (do-it yourselfer)  We recently completed our first ceramic tiling job in our Mud Room.  I laid most of the tile, but he finished the bottom step, and then grouted, and for the most part, it looks pretty good..My husband has also laid laminate flooring in four rooms in our house, he changes light fixtures, has repaired leaky pipes....AND.....he cuts the lawn and snowplows the driveway when needed!  Who could ask for anything more!  LOL

Oh and I should mention...on top of being a wonderful husband, he is also a phenomenal dad...

Ten years of marriage this August......and I haven't driven him crazy yet!!!!

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