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Monday, January 9, 2012

Listen for the howling tonight...The werewolves might be out.

Tonight I discovered how hard it is to take a picture of the moon.  It was such a beautiful sight..The clouds were perfect, the moon was full......but I just couldn't get the right shot...Perhaps it was my camera.  I had to use my old camera, so maybe that was the problem?.  I took more shots of the Petitcodiac River while at work this morning, and I forgot to put my camera back into my bag.  So these pictures will have to suffice.

I love the full moon.  It always lights up the sky, and illuminates everything around it.  The clouds add such a wonderful effect.  Perhaps it is a sign of things to come for this week.  I was chatting with a co-worker, who we also consider to be a bit of a weather guru, and he said there's a chance of a Nor-easter this week for the region.  We could be in for a little bit of shovelling in our future.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.  :)

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