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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Birthday to a very special person in my life

Today's blog is dedicated to a man who I've known since birth.  He was there when I came into this world...and he is part of the reason that I am here today....

It's my Dad's birthday today!   I can't say I know how old he is exactly......I have to admit, I've lost track...But he's as active as a 40 year old man...He loves to work, and keep himself busy....and I'm beginning to think he spends more time with his two kids(the Yorkies) than he does with my mom!  LOL

He's not much of a talker, but I know he loves me all the same.....and "Poppy" as my kids call him is know as the "grumpy old guy"......but it's all in fun....

He would do anything for us.....or anyone else for that matter..

That's him showing off his softer side(reminds me of Patch Adams...if you haven't seen the film, I highly recommend it...I'm sure if my dad got the chance, he'd wear the red nose for the sick kids at the Hospital as well) ....and his has a great sense of humour...although not everyone gets to see it...and he loves to get the sarcastic jabs in against my mom anytime he gets a chance(especially when my sister Darlene and Brother-in-Law Scott are around!)

This is my Dad with his mom Lulu....She's now in a home in Prince Edward Island and is suffering from Alzheimer's......It's difficult to see your parents go through that....sometimes they know you and sometimes they don't.  It's such an awful disease...But when he's home he goes to see her and takes her out to the house to visit.  She has lived a very long life, and the stories she can tell about the things she has seen!

My parents are spending their winters in Florida now....To some that would be a dream come true..but it must be hard to be away from the family at Christmas and I birthdays.  I know I've found it hard at times not to be with the loved ones, since I moved away many years ago... My Dad keeps very active there, and my parents have a group of friends in their "mobile home park"  that they socialize with....and the kids(the Yorkies) love it as well.

I wish I had been closer to my dad growing up...I was the kind of kid who wanted to go fishing with my dad, and hang out with him...but he was the "strong silent type"  and worked a lot to support the family....I always wanted to work at a country music radio station so my dad would be proud of me because he is a big country music fan...My mom always told me, he was proud no matter where I worked...

I sometimes felt like Icouldn't give him as much as my sisters Christmas time or on birthdays...but I'm sure he was always happy with what he received..Like the Christmas below, one of the things we got him was a seat cover for his John Deere ride on lawn mower(which is another one of his pride and joys)

My mom and dad live in Prince Edward Island during the summer and fall now.....They've returned to their roots(as all Islanders seem to do)  They went home to retire....But it can't be easy after all these years in Ontario.  They lived the "Upper Canadian" lifestyle as some would call it, and PEI is a much different place.  The people are different and so is the lifestyle.....Much more laid back and slower paced then living near the Greater Toronto area....I think my dad has adjusted much more than my mom, but PEI certainly is a beautiful place to be in the summer months....

My sisters and I are all grown up now, and my parents have two new little kids......only these ones have fur and four legs.  That's my dad with Spice,(don't you just love the hat!!LOL) and the picture below is Cinnamon....They go everywhere with them...I'm sure they'll be celebrating his birthday today with doggy bones and cake.

Dad, unfortunately I'm not there to celebrate with you on your birthday, although I'd love to be there to enjoy your warm Florida temperatures as opposed to the cold and snowy temps here in Moncton.  I hope you have a wonderful day...Celebrate it well, and know that we're thinking of you today....Enjoy a lobster and a nice cold beer on us!  Cheers!

Happy Birthday Dad!  AKA Poppy!

Love you lots!



  1. Nice tribute to your Dad Tara. He is a wonderful guy.
    Happy Birthday Avard !!!

  2. Such a wonderful tribute to your father!
