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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love the weekend, when a lot gets done!

I've promised myself that in 2012, I will complete all of the painting in my home that I have been talking about for what feels like a year and a half now.  In 2011, I managed to get the kitchen done.....and now, the dining room is almost complete. 

It's hard to tell the colour in the picture.  It's called "restful" and it has a bit of a green tone to it.  But, what a difference it has made to the room.  It's amazing what a new colour can do.  The room looks twice as big now, as it did before. Painting is such a minor thing, but it feels so good!  

Enough about renovations, let's move onto the fun stuff.  I didn't think that the snow would stick around long enough for the kids to get out and play, but fortunately it did.  We did reach a high of 2 degrees, with sunshine.  My hubby took down the Christmas lights and the kids went out back to play.

Snow T-Ball anyone?
What a slugger! (takes after her mother...Ha Ha!)

The "Big Red car"  needs a new safety sticker!

It's hard to believe that in my twenties, I swore I was never having kids.  I told my mom, "Get used to the six grandkids you have, because there won't be anymore."  I was so career driven.  When I turned 30, and met the man who I ended up marrying, I changed my mind.  I decided,, "Oh what the heck."  Then after my first, I thought, "Well, now we have to have another."   We were fortunate enough to have a girl and a boy.   I wouldn't change a thing.  My kids are the best thing I've ever done in life.  They provide unconditional love.  Doesn't matter if you're overweight, if your hair is messy, if you're not wearing makeup.....they still love you.....When you're feeling down, they'll do something funny to cheer you up, or be there with a hug.....And those insane moments are always overpowered by their smiling faces.

Probably my favourite TV show of all time ....Parenthood.....It's based on the film from 1989 starring Steve Martin.  If you've never seen it, check it out....You'll laugh, you'll cry, but best of all, if you have kids, you'll relate...

I highly recommend the film as well..

Til tomorrow!

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