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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Mystery Pavilion....

I live very close to Mapleton Park, and there are many sites to see there.  It is often used as a walking trail for those who enjoy the birds and other types of wildlife.  Joggers also use the trail, and it is a photographers paradise.  There is also a Pavilion in the Park that I knew nothing about until this past September.  My girlfriend rented the Pavilion out for her daughter's birthday, and it is a beautiful structure.  A log cabin type building, surrounded by nature.  If you live in the area and haven't seen it, you can access it from the Mapleton Road entrance.

This what the Pavilion looked like earlier today...before our winter storm arrived....It was a beautiful day.....This is what it looks like outside my home tonight. 

The forecast is calling for up to 15 cms of snow tonight....but tomorrow's high is going to be.......Get this......A high of plus 8.....Yes, that is not a typing error...and I don't have my pluses and minuses confused......Plus 8 degrees.......Not your typical temperature for January 13 in New Brunswick...And then we'll plunge back into the deep freeze for the weekend.....I'm starting to wonder whether there really is some truth to this whole global warming climate change thing.....

Oh and did I mention that tomorrow is Friday the 13th?   Don't cross paths with any black cats, or walk under any ladders.....

Tomorrow I will have exciting news...We are hoping for a new addition to our family.  It's a surprise for the kids...Stay tuned!

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