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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our first snowstorm of 2012

It was the first snowstorm of 2012.  It arrived Thursday evening, and by the time it was over,  it had dumped 18 centimetres of snow on the ground in Greater Moncton.  Not really that big of a deal really.  Schools in our region didn't cancel on Friday, and the temperatures were mild enough by Friday evening that we had rain....and believe it our not...thunder and lightning!   At this time last year we were digging out from the amount of snow we'd had...but this year we're dealing with thunder and lightning?  I just don't get it... 

These were taken at around 6:15am outside where I work.   It really doesn't look bad at all snow wise.   I think the snow plow operators were all itching to get out, because when I headed to work at 4:30, the roads were all plowed, and even some of the sidewalks were done.  That's unusual.....In other storms, the plows are sometimes just getting out to do the work.

Here is the back parking lot and Petitcodiac River on the morning after the storm.  I'm not sure when we'll get another one, but it was bitterly cold today, and windy.  Tomorrow is expected to be even chillier.

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