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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thoughts in the middle of the night...ever had them?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with your mind full of thoughts and ideas about what you'd like to do, and how you would like to change?  Or just about the the people in your life?  Like a woman who I met about 4 years ago, who is now my confidante and greatest friend, who would make time for me at the drop of a hat.....and who I'm convinced is some sort of angel who was put here to help others, and to make them love themselves.....Wow...She was diagnosed with a brain tumour several years ago...and technically, according to medical science, should not have survived...but here she is today....with one of the most inspiring outlooks on life...

Or there's my niece, for instance, who just last year had a massive asthma attack and stopped breathing for 3 minutes.  It puts life into perspective.  She is another giving soul who is raising 3 young kids, but still had the time to make 300 cupcakes at Christmas time for the hospital, along with the special tags to go with them.  Wow...

There I was, awake at 2:15am this morning...thinking about these things...But considering I get up at around 3:15 every morning to get ready for work, I didn't lose all that much sleep.

As my kids get older, I get the chance to have more and more heart to heart talks with them.  Like last night, as I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep....which is always a challenge after a long Christmas break, and staying up late.  I am still a night owl, and stay up until all hours of the night, every chance I daughter was chatting with me from her bed across the hall, and asking some heart to heart questions..She is growing up so fast, and I am so glad I will have such a close relationship with her as she gets older.  My son as well, who often comes out with things, that we have to stop for a moment and say..."Is he really ONLY 4 years old?" 

I wanted to take a picture of how peaceful it is here at home at 3:49am.....But frankly, while it is peaceful, it is pretty dark as well...and although the quiet is nice...sometimes I remember the Christmas' I spent at home, or the dinners with the family, when everyone was shouting at each other...not because they were angry, but just because I come from a family of 4 women... and my father...and then you add the in laws, and nieces and nephews into the mix..and we were all quite a loud bunch.  The noise, although frustrating at times..was also kind of soothing....

So, now that I've laid my thoughts out in my blog today, the next question on your mind I'm sure is....where in the world does she work, that she has to get up at 3:15am?  I work as a News Anchor/News Editor for a radio station, and that leads me to today's pictures.

Another beautiful view from our office window, overlooking the Petitcodiac River.

A few more thoughts to ponder...

Look out your window once in awhile...There may be a view outside your window, that you've never really noticed before.  Take the time to enjoy it.

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