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Monday, January 2, 2012

What I see every single day....just by looking out the window

I've been in New Brunswick for just over six years now....We had always wanted to find our way to Prince Edward Island but we landed here instead, for work reasons.   But I wouldn't change a thing.  I grew up in the city of Brampton, Ontario..which was all of a population of about, maybe, 125 000 when I lived there.  It is now a booming metropolis, as many residents there commute to the Greater Toronto Area for work everyday.   And it has probably tripled or even quadrupled in size since I lived there.  I don't think I could ever go back to Brampton, not after living here.  This is the best of both worlds.  It is city living with country mixed in.  I live in a neighbourhood with many homes nearby, but the view from my my deck, could take anyone away from the hustle and bustle of a busy day.  It is a dreary, wet and foggy day....but the view is still breathtaking, in my opinion.

One of the things I really enjoy, is the wildlife, or at least the kind of animals that I can get close enough to take pictures of on my deck.  This morning, I took a moment to listen to the Blue Jays talking to each other.  My kids thought I was crazy as I tried to talk back, making bird sounds from the kitchen.  But that's okay.  We all have to be a little silly once in a while.  Life is short.

Those are the Blue Jays.  We have many of them around, and they are well fed.  Peanuts in the shell from my neighbour, and almonds from our well as whatever they are feeding them at the Seniors Home around the corner.  We also had a new visitor today.   Perhaps someone can help me out on this one?  I think it is a squirrel, but it appears that he is missing his tail?  Or is it a chipmunk?

Take a minute today to look around. There are beautiful things all around us, that we see every single day but we don't take the time to stop and enjoy. 

See you tomorrow!

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