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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Saying Good-bye...

Overall 2011 was an exceptionally good year.  I was able to take on many new challenges at work, and we did a bit of work on the house, which worked out very well....Just minor things like ceramic tile in the mudroom, and painting the cupboards and walls in the kitchen...But one of the harder things we had to deal with, was losing a family furball friend, Karma.   She was 14 years old, and she was my cat.  She was shy and loving and very vocal towards the end.  But she developed a kidney problem, and eventually got very sick.   I miss her a lot.  It is still difficult when I come home at noon to an empty house.  She was always there at the door with her greetings.  Every so often, I'll glance around, and swear I see her lying on the kitchen floor or curled up in her bed.....

This is the picture that stills hangs on our wall.  She will always be in our hearts.

In 2010, we dealt with the loss of Varsity, my little suck....She was the mischievous one, but very loving, and she always curled up on my knee.  She was diabetic, and lived about 6 months after she was diagnosed.  My mom did up a scrapbook page with her pic on it.

It's always hard to lose a pet.  It's like losing a loved one.  But once we've grieved, you build the strength to move on.  It doesn't mean that your pet is forgotten.  Their memory lives on in your heart. 

We've started to look at adopting another kitty for our household, and I think of it as providing a home for another cat who is looking for some love, and a family to be a part of.  We've gone to the SPCA and it's heartbreaking to read some of the reasons behind why cats have been dropped off there.  I'd take them all home if I could.   At some point this year, I'm sure I will be taking pics and writing about a new addition to our family.  I can't wait to share!

RIP Karma and Varsity....I miss you both....The memories of you make me smile......I hope you are playing in the fields of catnip in kitty heaven...  :)

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