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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where did the snow go?

So, just two days ago, we had snow on the ground.  Enough that, if you have been following my blog, you saw that we were able to pull the kids around the backyard in the toboggan.  After our 10 degree temperatures yesterday, and rainfall....This is what it looks like now.

It's amazing that the snowman leaning up against the pedestal in front of our house hasn't melted yet!(Ha Ha!  I know, I know, don't quit your day job Tara..)

But.....Old Man Winter is not done yet.  Despite the predictions for February, that call for more wacky weather, and more mild temperatures.....Friday's forecast could bring snow to New Brunswick.  20 centimetres of it.   We'll have to wait and see where that snow will fall.  It would be great to be able to do just one Storm Centre morning newscast this winter!  We haven't had a single one yet. 

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