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Saturday, January 7, 2012

I skipped Friday, so I'm posting twice today

Technically, this is supposed to be my 365 day blog....but I got busy last night, and didn't post, so I'm making up for it....Today, I'm doing two posts....

We got a bit of snow today, but who knows how long it will last...

Not really enough  to go out a build a snowman, so that was out of the question today....But a light dusting is always nice, considering the fact that is IS winter....Isn't it?  I've been a bit confused with the warmer than usual temperatures we've had....December saw temperatures 3.7 degrees higher than normal in Moncton....

It's a bit misty tonight....It's currently minus 2, with some light freezing rain...But it is a relatively bright night...The next photos were taken at around 10pm tonight.

Tomorrow we hope to get out and take the Christmas lights down...With mainly cloudy skies and a high of minus 1 in the forecast, we'll probably get the chance to do that.   :)  It would be really nice to get some tobogganing in this winter.....but the forecast for later this week is now calling for highs of 2 and 3 degrees with rain....I'm starting to wonder if Mother Nature is going through some form of menopause.....Slight warm flashes here and there.....Or maybe Old Man Winter has gone to the United States on vacation....They've has their share of snow this season.

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