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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My ink....waited 8 years to get it, and I have no regrets.

Some say, it's the trendy thing to do...everyone has one these days, or at least it seems like 80 to 90 per cent of us do.  But it's also a very personal thing.  Some people put them on a part of their body to show them off, while others hide them away...I think I changed my mind a dozen times as to what I would like to have...knowing it is permanent.....and if I changed my mind down the road, there was no turning back.  That's why I'm so glad I waited....If I had gone with my first thought, I would have ended up getting something I know I would regret now.  What I got, is something that I fell in love with the moment I saw it.  It was zodiac sign....with my kids names written below it...
It's on my back, and most people haven't seen it...  I don't wear open back tops to show it off, that's not why I had it done.   It's just something I wanted...for me....

Did it hurt you ask?  Yeah, I suppose it did...But it was bearable.   Would I do it again?  Definitely....But it would take some time to figure out exactly what I would want this time.  A lot of the people who do tattoos for a living,  are true artists....Just look at their work...It's very extensive.  Artists express themselves in different forms.  Some draw on paper, others sculpt...some even use trash or odds and ends for their creations...But the masterpiece can have a million different meanings............That's what is great about art....You can never really be wrong in your interpretation of it.

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