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Monday, January 16, 2012

Okay...Yes I am a slacker...

I have been slacking in the picture department a bit.....Sorry to disappoint some of you...I don't have a new photo for today, and I didn't post yesterday either...I hope that doesn't mean that I have completely failed in my resolution for 2012.  I appreciate all of the feedback I've received so far....Hopefully I haven't bored everyone to tears...

For tonight, I've decided to post something I had saved on my computer from just before Christmas....Yes, yes...I know I post a lot about my family...and I have already mentioned that my son is quite the performer.  Perhaps this might be his big audition?  Many kids have been discovered from posts on YouTube...maybe someone will find him here on my blog?  Wishful thinking.....LOL

So here we the show....

Now I don't know if he can "Move Like Jagger?  or not.  I kind of think he was doing more of a "Saturday Night Fever" near the end......Perhaps there will be a remake someday.....I can just see it now, his name in lights...Fans calling his name....The crowds cheering......Then he'll receive his Oscar ...and on stage, with tears in his eyes, he'll say.."I'd like to thank my mom, dad and big sister who encouraged and supported me since my childhood."     

Please excuse me, I may have gone off on a tangent there...But hey...I'm a proud mom, even if my son loves to wiggle his hips...I'll be proud of him in whatever he ends up doing....There's money to be made somewhere...even if he ends up on stage with the ladies throwing twenty dollar bills at his feet.....  ;)  LOL

He's only 4 years old.....and from what I've seen him do already...(this video only scrapes the surface) , my son will be some type of performer when he's older....Whether it be playing the drums, guitar or shaking his booty..he already has the perfect personality for it...

Just so you don't think I'm leaving my daughter out...She has her future all planned out as well, and she wants to work with animals....She is less of a risk taker..but still loves to ride the roller coaster at Crystal Palace...And she just loves to sit behind the camera and encourage her brother along.

I promise to have more pics for tomorrow's blog...  :)

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