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Friday, February 10, 2012

We spent the afternoon at Crystal Palace.

I've mentioned Crystal Palace before.  It's our indoor amusement park in Moncton.  Great place for the kids.  I decided to take them for the afternoon, considering there is a big snowstorm on the way for Moncton this weekend, and we probably won't be able to do much if we get as much snow as they are forecasting..

Environment Canada is calling for up to 30 centimetres of snow, and we currently have a winter storm warning in effect.The Weather Network is calling for up to 40 centimetres.  So depending on who you believe, I guess it'll be a bit of a doozy...My daughter was invited to a birthday party this Sunday, but the parent has already called and is rescheduling it to next weekend because of the snowstorm.

Back to Crystal Palace.  It was an afternoon of firsts....My daughter's first time on the swings, my son's first time on this lay down ride that goes around and around.

My son's first ride on this one!

My daughter and her first ride on the swings!  She loved it!

 It was a pretty slow afternoon at Crystal Palace which made it somewhat better so there wasn't a building full of running and screaming children!

We had a lot of fun, and now I am exhausted.  Only 7PM and I am ready to sleep already.   It has been a long day though.  3:15AM until now makes for a long day.

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