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Monday, February 6, 2012

Kindergarten prep....followed by hamburgers, fries and fun with friends!(how's that for alliteration!)

My son is off to school in September.....It's hard to believe...He'll be five years old this year.....The other day I was looking back at his baby pictures, and I don't even remember him being that small....and now, he's going off to school......

Don't worry I'm not going to go off on a tangent, with the tears and "Oh my little boy is growing up so fast.."  Blah, blah, blah......I've very proud of him and how far he has come.....He is so much like a little man now.....I picked him up at the sitter's today, so he could go for his Kindergarten assessment....(I"ll talk about that in a bit.)   She said he was so excited to go to school!    He wants so much to be able to do all of the things that his sister can do....and the fact that they'll be at the same school is very exciting for him!  And all of the new things he'll learn and the friends he'll make....

The assessment...That is a process they go through to "assess" what the kids know...For example, whether they can write their names, if they know their colours, shapes, letters, numbers, looking at how they hold their pencil.....their motor skills, things like hopping on one foot, skipping and jumping up and down, etc., etc....All of the kids who are going into Kindergarten go through this process...There are certain things they want the kids to know......Many children attend preschool, at their daycare, or their parents help them to learn these things.....but the schools want kids to know the basics when they head to class....It helps so that kids are "all on the same page", I guess...You'd be amazed at how independent these children become when they start school.....They're on their own......It's a little bit scary for some moms and dads...I've been through it before and my daughter managed to get through it okay and I think my son will do okay too..

My opinion of the assessments...I agree, but disagree.....I think they put a lot of pressure on the parents, which in turn puts pressure on the child...Some moms and dads get all worried that if their kids don't know the basics, that they have failed them.....That's just not the case....Children learn at different rates....Boys apparently don't learn as quickly as girls do....So if your children doesn't know EVERYTHING they expect them to know...that's okay.....Just be sure you watch for the signs if your child is having difficulty learning....if they aren't grasping anything at all...Maybe then it's time to ask for a little bit of help...

Things have changed so much since when I went to Kindergarten...School was play...I think we even had nap time in Kindergarten!  Now they expect the kids to to learn so quickly...They even do math in Kindergarten!  It makes it so much more difficult if you child falls behind,  because the higher they go, the further behind they get....

It is going to be a different experience when my son goes to school.....It looks like the majority of the parents are in their 20' I feel like I'm over the hill.......which is not really the case....I'm 40, but I certainly don't feel that old(only on certain days!  LOL)

The assessment took about an hour, and we will get the results in late March.  My son was proud of himself..He said he wrote the first letter in his name(which he was having difficulty with)  but then said he had trouble with the others....But I told him, "That's okay...As long as you did your best."  He seemed happy with  the whole now we just have to wait...

If he doesn't score perfectly, it doesn't mean he can't go to school or anything.  It just gives us an idea of the things he has to work on before he goes to school.....

After his assessment, I had promised him a playdate with his friend Gray, who happens to be a year younger, and won't be going to school until September of 2013.....But because my son is a November baby , they get along great.....

We headed to the McDonald's in Dieppe for some playtime...and I took a few pics...

Good ole' Ronald McDonald and Grimace

Can't forget the Happy Meal!

The boys

They enjoyed themselves, but for our next playdate, we're headin' to the Crystal Palace Amusement Park!

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