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Saturday, February 4, 2012

I hit the road with the ladies.......and it was a "BUST!"

First off, my work lotto pool didn't win the lottery......Last night's ticket amounted to a big fat zero!!!!!  Guess there's always next week.

So, today was my big trip to Rothesay and Saint John, New Brunswick.....My first one ever.

 Our first stop was......Ta Da!  To shop for some over the shoulder boulder holders!

These are the ladies....Seven of us, all heading in for measurements and to get all "firmed" up!

And we can't forget our Chauffeur!(who is a fine driver , by the long as she didn't run into any bumps and pothole like spots on the road!  LOL)  And she doesn't always look this serious...She was just trying to focus on the road when I took the picture.

What an experience!   How was I to know that I have been wearing the wrong size all this time?!  And the things we learned, like the band really is supposed to be a little tight, because it stretches out over time.....and you're not supposed to wear the same one every single day....and the "girls" should be all tucked in there nice and cozy....not hanging out the top and the sides! 


Anyway, enough size talk....It was a cute little shop....

While I was waiting for the other ladies to make their purchases, I went next door and bought myself a Chai tea......from the Java Moose...Delicious!

Then it was off to lunch.  We decided on the Commons Creperie Cafe....and we were really glad we did..

I had a Sweet Maple Pecan salad, and then a maple crepe for dessert.  Mmmmmmm!  Delicious!

Here are a few pics of the places around the Cafe. 

Rothesay is a beautiful community...

Then it was off to Uptown Saint John....Now I know exactly why they call it "Uptown".   I walked up one of the hills and quickly figured it out.  Whewff!  It was a steep one!

The other ladies stopped in at a store called "The Urban Shoe Myth", but I was more interested in this store.....

Candy!!!!   You name it, they've got!   The WHOLE store, nothing but candy!!!

Of course, I couldn't forget to pick up some Willy Wonka candy for the kids.....

Here are a couple more pics from Uptown Saint John.

Then it was time to head home....

Here are a couple more pics from the highway.

Oh, and I can't forget, that we helped an older woman out, whose car battery had died....Our good deed for the day!

It was a wonderful day with the ladies!  Lots of fun and laughs, and a few purchases too!  (and now my co-workers in Saint John will have to find something else to pick on me about!  Because I have finally paid a visit to the Port City!)

Tomorrow, off to the Lego Fair!

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