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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Readers from around the globe!

I started this blog just over a month ago, and I figured that I'd get a few readers...maybe those who were just curious...others who are related and wanted to see more of my kids...maybe even those who wanted to see a few pictures of the City of Moncton.   But I follow the stats every time I make a post, and frankly, I am amazed.   I don't know what the numbers are supposed to be like, but as of today, almost 16 hundred people have read my blog.    And the even more amazing thing is where the readers are from!

Canada, I expected.....Even the United States because I have some relatives there....But Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Brazil, Columbia, The Netherlands and Sweden?  Wow!  I suppose they may have just stumbled upon my blog just flipping through...and maybe some of them didn't even take the time to read it....but regardless, it just feels pretty good to know that there may be people in other parts of the world that may be interested in what I have to say!  It makes my day somewhat! 

For those of you who have taken the time to read...Thanks!  I'm glad you are enjoying my blog! :)

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