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Saturday, February 18, 2012

My son's sledding "Mis"adventure!

So, my son went sledding with his pre-school yesterday....and he was really looking forward to it.   Going to Centennial Park with the kids in his class......That was at 9am yesterday morning...

We got a call at 12:15 that he was throwing we assumed that maybe he was coming down with something...  So we rushed over to pick him up...When my hubby got there, he learned of the "mis"adventure.   Turns out, when my son got to the hill, he was so excited that he jumped on a toboggan with another little boy and decided to go down the hill by themselves....My son, of course, got the worst of it.   Getting the story second hand is always harder...It's like playing the game of telephone, when the story goes from one person, to the next, to the next...and then by the end the story isn't as it was supposed to be.(Do you remember that game?  I used to play it at Girl Guides, in a circle...and usually we would just do a camping list and had to try to remember everything on the list as we whispered it in the next person's ear......and the list was never the same in the end.)  Anyway, there I go, off rambling again.....

SO...back to my story.....from what I am told, the toboggan was going down the hill, and the kids fell off, one landing on top of my son....and when he got up, he asked Teacher Jaime, "Teacher?  Does the snow bleed?"    (which of course makes us giggle a bit....Kids say the darnedest things!)  Turns out the blood was from his face and wrist...

Just some minor scrapes and cuts.....But the other child?  Of course came out unscathed....Does that surprise me?  Not at all, because I have come to the conclusion that my son is accident prone....The things he has been through....He is your typical boy in many ways!

Now as to why he threw up his lunch, we're not sure.....I immediately thought, "Possible concussion"  as many moms would...But after a thorough examination, it doesn't appear that he hit his head....He says he didn't....We kept a close eye last night and he seems fine this morning....So whether he was in shock, and threw up, I'm not sure...Maybe the cucumber went down the wrong way?  The teacher said he was fine at the sledding hill for the rest of the morning and had a great time, sledding with the rest of the kids....So, we move on....and I guess just keep an eye for any strange behaviour....

He's a pretty tough kid....And we all know he's had his share of bumps and bruises.....This is just another "mis"adventure to add to the list...

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