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Thursday, February 2, 2012

The day after the snowfall.....and it's Groundhog Day!

It was an uneventful day.   I had the day off, but I didn't do anything special.  A trip to the Chiropractor, hung out with the kids in the afternoon and then my favourite TV show, "The Vampire Diaries" tonight.

One of the big things that happens on my days off though, is I get to take my daughter to the bus stop to go to school.  It's literally right across the street from our house but I think she really likes the fact that I am here in the morning when she gets up.  Normally I've been awake for 4 hours and have headed off to work when she gets up for school.....

I took a few pics this morning.....The calm after the storm.....We got a total of 32 cms of snow yesterday....

The streets are all cleared, but it definitely looks like winter now.   It's February 2nd, but finally we get a taste of winter. 

The groundhogs came out of their holes predict the weather...Well, I guess that depends on whether or not you believe in folklore or not.   In Nova Scotia, Shubenacadie Sam  did not see his shadow.  In Ontario, Wiarton Willie didn't see his shadow.  They both predict, an early spring...In Alberta, Balzac Billy and in Quebec(I wasn't even aware until now that Quebec had its own groundhog!) Fred La Marmotte, both saw their shadows...They predict 6 more weeks of winter.

In the United States, Punxsutawney Phil also saw his shadow....And as I read several newspaper articles about the groundhogs, there are many others as well.....Staten Island Chuck(who did not see his shadow...and who also predicted that the New York Giants will win the Superbowl this weekend), Stormy Marmot in Aurora Colorado, Smith Lake Jake in Alabama, and the list goes on....

New Brunswick named their own groundhog last year....They had a contest and everything to name him...Oromocto Ollie.....But...he didn't make an appearance this year....It looks like he may have been forgotten this year due to a cut in funding...A ceremony was held on the CFB Gagetown grounds last year, and was led by the Provincial Capital Commission...Here's the problem...That Commission was created by the former government(Liberal)  and the funding was cut last year, by the new government(Conservative)..So, what became of Ollie?  The Public Affairs Officer at CFB Gagetown Captain Jamie Donovan said he suspects there's still a groundhog in the berm...but he was obviously sleeping contently.....And at this point there's no word on whether or not anyone else will host an event for Oromocto Ollie.

I've decided to include a few random shots as well tonight.  Enjoy!

I've saved the best for last!(He's not really sleeping.........and that is my  case you were starting to wonder)  LOL

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