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Monday, February 27, 2012

J-TAD Day...What is it? I'm still learning....

We had a new co-worker join our team in January, and with him he brought something called J-TAD Day.  It was something he created when he worked at our sister station in Saint John.  There, they take it to a whole other level with games, and food, and I would imagine a few celebratory pops after work...But it was our first year celebrating, so we started out small..

A few tasty treats for our indulgence...It wasn't mandatory, but a few of us brought in some munchies..
The day was apparently created due to the fact that New Brunswick does not have a February instead of a day off, there is a day for festivites instead. The name J-TAD was created using the initials of the employees who worked at our sister station when the day was established..

Some of the participants for the 2012 festivities in Moncton were.....

The Creator of J-TAD Day(The lei's were an added touch....Although, I think the employees in the rest of the building thought we were crazy!)

Creator and a soon to be departed member of our Sales Team(who is relocating to our sister station in Saint John)

Saleswoman extraordinaire

Our hard working Producer

One of two of our dedicated Reporters(the other is in Cuba)

Another skilled Salesperson

And I saved the best for last...She doesn't always look like this...Honestly....Just a tad grumpy, and still under the weather after being off sick for two days...She is normally the one wearing a smile....But unfortunately for this yhear's J-TAD Day she was just getting by....Next year she'll have the chance to enjoy.

So that is J-TAD day in a nutshell....Perhaps with a little exposure, maybe the next step is a Wikipedia page, and who knows?  The whole concept could catch on, and New Brunswickers across the province will start celebrating it on an annual basis.....or at least until the Alward government finally decides to give us a February holiday......
Guess we'll just have to keep celebrating J-TAD Day eh?

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