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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I hope you have taken some time today to share a moment with your loved one, whether it be your spouse, significant other, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, daughter, list could on and on.....Even your pet deserves a hug and kiss today in honour of Valentine's day.......

If you are single, you can still make the most of the day, by spending time with a good friend...go for dinner, have a drink.....share some chocolate hearts....

My children came home with the usual stack of valentines cards from school along with a few chocolate kisses and candy hearts.....

Before supper we exchanged cards.....and I took a few photos....

(It would have said "Love Jay" but our daughter got to it first and decided she wanted to sign it for her father....That's why there are  no x's and o's either)
Okay, so this brings me to another point.....The card industry...My goodness the money they make.....Here we have four cards....probably ran us about 4 to 5 bucks a pop......and then what happens to them?   Well, some people hold onto them as keepsakes, others reuse them for crafts, and some cards just end up in the garbage.....But yet we keep buying them.....I'm a hypocrite, because here I've spent the money...Usually I go to the 97 cent rack at Walmart, for cards for birthday parties(between my daughter and son, and the number of parties they go to, I can't be blowing all of our money on birthday cards)  It depends on who the card is for....For family, I'll go the extra mile and spend a little more, but outside of that, the card usually comes from Dollarama, or the Great Canadian Dollar store......No offense to those who may have received one of those cards from me...It's the thought that counts....

Back to Valentines Day...the kids always get a couple of little things.....Their grandmother sent them chocolate chip cookies and McDonald's gift cards......The surprises from Nana and Poppy haven't arrived yet, but the postal service from Florida is very slow, as we are finding out.....From Mommy and Daddy, they got a couple of little stuffies(as they call them), a pack of stickers each and some chocolate hugs and kisses....The kitten, is my daughter's...and the Pooh bear, my son's...

I'm not about to divulge specifically what I got, or what I gave my hubby....but I assure you it wasn't a diamond ring or a new car....I didn't ask for either of those anyway...LOL  And I'm not a flower person...I'd much rather the money be spent on something else, like a back massage, pedicure, and haircut(which I am getting all of!)  Thank you very much!

Happy Valentines Day!  I hope you have enjoyed it!  Take the time tonight to save "I love you"  to someone, whether it be a friend or family member...I'm sure they will appreciate it!

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