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Monday, February 20, 2012

No holiday for us here in New Brunswick...

I was unable to post yesterday....I have come down with some sort of eye infection...similar to a clogged tear duct, or something to that effect.  My eyeball is fine, but my eyelid and the corner of my eye are very swollen and red.  I went to the doctor yesterday and they said antibiotics weren't the answer, just warm and cold compresses to get the swelling down.....and baby shampoo cleanses the eye...So I have spent the day doing just that....Some of the swelling has gone down, but it is still very red and still a bit sore...and very itchy!  I'll have to see how it goes and if it doesn't get any better, I'll have to head back to the doctor I guess...

Now that I have updated you on my situation, I must point out that today is a holiday is many of the Canadian provinces, but not here in New Brunswick...In Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan it is called Family Day...In Manitoba, Louise Riel Day, and in Prince Edward Island, it is called Islander Day....British Columbia will add the February holiday in 2013, and it will be called Family Day. 

The calendar I have hasn't even been updated to include the Prince Edward Island holiday..It was established in 2009.

New Brunswick residents have been trying to push for a February holiday as well...In 2010, former NB Premier Shawn Graham promised to establish a Family Day if he was re-elected.....But he wasn't brought to power again...and the new Conservative government hasn't visited the issue...

It's a long stretch without a holiday.  January 1st is the last one, and then we go until April 6th, which is Good Friday....The kids get March break, and a few other PD days in between...but for those who work, there isn't a holiday, unless you use one of your own...for those that have them through their workplace..Some people are forced to take a day off without pay if they need a day off....

I think the provincial Conservative should consider adding a Family Day in this province as well....Of course, they have so many other things to think about like reducing the deficit..and that's priority....but maybe with all of the additional costs taxpayers are potentially faced with...maybe a day off is what they all need....a bit of a stress reliever.....another long weekend....a day to spend with family......which is what should be important in most peoples lives......After all, if you get sick with cancer, is your workplace going to be there for you?  Chances are, they might be briefly......But eventually, as you are going through your treatment, they'll have to fill your role.....The business world  must go on.....But hopefully your family and friends will be there the whole time to support you.....

A February holiday also might make workers perform better as well.....Think about the number of days we spend at work each year...The number of of years we spending working in our lifetime.....One less day isn't going to impact the work world that much is it?  But the impact it could have on a family, could mean a lot....

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