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Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring is here! (Well, almost) It officially arrives at 2:14am ADT

New Brunswick saw some gorgeous temperatures over the weekend...Not that I noticed or had any time to spend enjoying them, but according to Environment Canada, we set some record temps yesterday..It was 15.5 degrees Celsius in Moncton, smashing the old record set in 1943, of 11.7 degrees Celsius..  Other record breaking temperatures were set in places including Bathurst and Kouchibouguac....And the provinces hot spot was St. Stephen with 22 degrees Celsius...

Today was a different story, with cooler temperatures...But tomorrow, they're expected to soar once again...with 19 degrees forecasted, and 22 degrees on Wednesday...

Despite the cooler temps today, it was still a glorious day..

The snow has almost disappeared from our backyard...

And the other great thing?  These pictures were taken at 5:50pm....and it's still very light out!

There weren't many birds around tonight, except for this lone Morning Dove, perched on the wire behind our house.

He/she was cooing quietly as if to be asking friends to join him/her there...(I'm not up on how to tell the difference between the male and female)

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