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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Never mind the flu.....Whatever this illness is, is much worse in my opinion

The weekend started out great.....Fridays...always a bonus...It was payday...Bonus number two....and the weather was gorgeous.....Who could complain?  But when my daughter got off the bus, I noticed her cough...She sounded like she was losing her voice.  Then I checked her temperature..Yep, a fever...That's fine...I've experienced this before...Tylenol, brings the fever down, and rest....

That's her this morning....Looks healthy enough?  A bit of swelling in her face.   We decided to take her to the Walk-in clinic...and she was diagnosed with strep throat, and given a prescription for Amoxicillin....No problem, I can handle this....

From there i has gone downhill.....She has begun throwing up, and I had to give her another dose of acetaminophen after two and a half hours because her fever is up to around 105 degrees Farenheit(which is about 40.5 Celsius)....I called Telecare, and a friend, whose daughter possibly has the same illness....she is in the same boat, only her daughter has been running this fever for 3 days...He daughter was hallucinating, with the high fever....And I have spoken to several other people who are in the same boat.....Now I'll just wait to see if the fever comes down at all....

Children are great...No regrets at all.....But it's no wonder we age so quickly when we have them....The stress of a parent, worrying about their kids, whether they're sick or hurt......

I'm so glad the good times outweigh the bad ones.....

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