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Saturday, March 10, 2012

A busy Saturday...Thought we should get it all in before we lose our hour of sleep! It's time to spring forward!

Our day started out straightening up the front room, and then we headed down the street to one of the animal feed stores to see the greyhounds.   Representatives from the Maritime Greyhound Adoption Program were there talking about the program, and they had a couple of their dogs...Beautiful animals, and they are so calm...Jay would really like to get one, but we have to wait until our son is 5...

And they can live in harmony with a cat as well...

We decided to take the kids to Swiss Chalet for supper....We don't go out to eat very often, and when we do, Swiss Chalet is one of their favourite places...With their kids meal, they get a toy...This is what they chose tonight..

Hmmm...I wonder how long they'll last once the kids decide to have Zamboni wars with them?

If you read my blog the other day, you already know that we went to see "The Lorax"  In 3D....My kids like to keep the glasses, and they pop the lenses out...My daughter had hers on her stuffed animals...but tonight they decided they'd wear them instead...

As for the tubes...if you are wondering what they are... We've had them for awhile, but they were out in the shed...I thought the cat might enjoy them.....The kids decided they liked them more....Entertainment for at least an hour..They put them together and then put up their indoor tent, and then climbed through the tubes to get into the tent...

So after such a busy day today, I have a major task tomorrow.,....Now that the painting in the dining room is done, next up is, daughter's room.  She wants two colours...We have a can of the first, so I'll start with that...It begins tomorrow....Here are the before and after colours...

And finally.....I need to mention my husband's new obsession.....Now don't get me wrong, my kids enjoy this video  too...but my husband has been walking around the house for the past two days saying, "Got any grapes?"  You'll have to watch the YouTube link to understand.  I'm posting the link below to the video...It's called "The Duck Song", and it's quite catchy and funny....But it might drive you crazy after awhile, because if you introduce it to your kids, they are bound to watch it over and over again!!

Be sure to turn your clocks ahead one hour tonight before you go to bed!  It's spring forward time!   Finally, an extra hour of daylight!  

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