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Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's been a sad, slow few days....

I have officially slacked off of my blog posts...Not because I didn't want to write, but because I didn't have anything to write about.  So instead of completely boring you to tears and post about nothing at all, I decided to take a break for a few days, and try and come up with something worth reading about.

It has been a sad week for a very good friend of mine..Her mother has been in a home for the past couple of years, and began to deteriorate.  She had Alzheimer's, amongst other things...and my good friend spent the last week in Palliative Care at the home spending time with her dying mom.....and she said she wouldn't wish it on anyone else.  It was obviously a very hard thing to say good-bye to the woman who raised her, but also to watch someone you love, literally wasting away.....She passed away on Friday....It was a very hard ending, but she is now at peace...

I spent some time with my friend on Saturday night, at her sister's house surrounded by her family...and it was nice to hear my friend reminisce about her mom....Memories are such a precious thing to hold onto, because that is when her mom was thriving....and enjoying life..

It couldn't have happened to a much nicer person....My friend is always doing wonderful things to help others, and would be there at the drop of a hat whether you asked or not....She's probably one of the nicest people I know...Her Dad is a wonderful person as well...And I think he will be time....He seems like a strong individual...and I know with the love and care he gets from his daughters, in the end, he'll be alright...

When things like this happen, it brings a lot into perspective...It's a reminder that life is far too short... Her mom was only in her mid-sixties....

I've been very lucky....I have two wonderful parents who are still married....and who are still living.....They've had their health scares, but they've managed to get through them....I still have one living grandparent, and for the most part, the majority of my Aunts and Uncles are still with us....But they are all getting older, and I know that dealing with death is something we all have to face at one time or another...

My husband lost his father in 2003...and he still has a hard time with Father's Day...The great thing is, he is a father now too, so our kids make it all worthwhile...But he always takes a moment to think of his dad, and to cherish a memory....

Death can mean different things to different people...To some, it is the end...
To others, it is just the beginning...
To some it means seeing all of those loved ones again who have passed on before.....
To some, it is living again, as you watch down over your loved ones who are still amongst the living........But without feeling any pain, and without aging.....

I'd like to think that I'll carry on....Death is scary enough, but knowing and imagining that there may be more to come offers a little bit of hope.......

I guess we'll just have to wait and see......

I've added a few pics I took tonight of the sun going down....It was such a red sky, that it almost looked like the sky was on fire...I guess it's going to be a good day tomorrow....Like the old saying goes..."Red sky at night, sailor's delight.  Red sky in morning, sailor's take warning."

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