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Monday, March 26, 2012

Does this thing come with instructions???? And other random finds...

My son is moving up....Kind of...It's a bit exciting for me, and even more so for him...He is getting a brand new bed.  His old bed, a Captain's bed/Mate's bed, I've heard it called both, has been sold.......

And he is now moving into a bunk bed!!!

That's what it will look like when my husband puts it together......Now exactly how long that will take is another story.....Hopefully it comes with instructions.....But wait...He is a man after all, and do men EVER read the directions?????

The assembly begins tomorrow night.....Wish my husband luck...(maybe I better pick him up a few keep the stress down...LOL)

My other news of the day....

I stopped at Value Village this afternoon...They were having a 50 per cent off sale, and I thought I'd see what I could find....They have hundreds and hundreds of VHS movies right now......I thought I was entering a video store.....And for 99 cents each?  You can't beat that price......

Do you remember VHS????  For those of you with a puzzled look on your face, you are obviously not of my generation.....That was what we watched movies on before the DVD was invented....It had actual tape, and didn't get scratched...My son still has a VHS player in his room, and his collection is made up of more VHS tapes than DVD's....I bought a couple more VHS for the kids...

I am so glad they came out with the most recent movie "The Muppets".  It gives my kids the chance to get acquainted with the characters I loved when I was a child.  "The Muppet Show" was a big part of my life, and now my children enjoy them as well.   Coincidentally, my daughter's favourite character is Beaker....That was my favourite as well!  I picked up these Muppet favourites today, along with another favourite of mine, the original "Charlotte's Web."  My son has watched it at Preschool....Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider....I feel like I am reliving my childhood all over again..Here's the Wikipedia reference in case you are not familiar with the novel or film..'s_Web 

And one final score I made.....

We are having our front room painted in the near future...and I picked up this picture that I really liked.   It may look familiar to some....My Mother-In-Law I believe has the same one or something like it?? It's nice to pay dirt cheap prices for used items, because sometimes you can find things that you really like....and are in good condition.....and in the end, they don't cost you an arm and a leg....

As they say..."One person's another person's treasure."    It didn't look nice or fit the decor in someone else's house(that's why they donated it)...But it will look just fine on my wall!

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