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Sunday, March 18, 2012

PART 2: Never mind the flu..Whatever this illness is, is much worse in my opinion...

The post I wrote last night, now has a part 2.....I was actually interrupted in finishing last nights post, by advice from Telecare to take my daughter to Emerg.  Her fever didn`t come down, and they were a little concerned that she might be getting dehydrated.  So off to the Dumont Hospital we went.   There we experienced a fairly empty waiting room, with one man who had a broken foot and a gash under his eye, with the blood dried still on his face..(I would`ve taken a picture but I didn`t want to be too obvious)....Every second word out of his mouth began with an "F".....My daughter was so out of it though, I doubt she even noticed...

Once she was seen by a Doctor, (which was about 3 hours later, which actually isn't too bad), the Doctor said she didn't think it was strep throat, despite the diagnosis by the Walk in Clinic Doctor, but she did do a swab.  She also did an influenza test as well....and then we were sent on our way...The results won't be in until Monday....

Today she was a bit more like herself...Her fever was down to a low grade one, around 102 degrees Farenheit(which is about 38.8 Celsius)....and she ate chicken noodle soup for lunch and half a piece of pizza for supper....which I was glad to see....

Once the results come back tomorrow, I guess we'll have to go from there.  Technically, if you have a fever for 72 hours(I think that is the length of time) then it is generally some sort of infection....So if the fever is still there, but the results to the tests are negative, then we might still have to determine what is causing it...

There are a couple of advantages to being sick....once you are feeling a little bit better......You get your toes painted by Mommy...(I know....feet..not the most attractive thing)

And your fingernails too....

You get an afternoon without your little brother around....Daddy took him to the Moncton Wildcats game.....So, it was disappointing for my daughter to miss the game, but she still got a treat when they returned home...

Now she'll have it for the next game she goes to....when she is feeling much better...

She won't be going to school tomorrow....Another day of rest, and having to monitor the fever....Hopefully she is on the up and up...And if it does turn out to be influenza......Hopefully her brother isn't next on the list...

As for mommy, no day off for her...It's back to work.....Wait?   Did I just have a weekend?

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