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Monday, March 19, 2012

Just a few random updates, thoughts and photos

I thought I should offer an update about my daughter....She is now on the mend....Not completely recovered  just yet, but almost there.  We got the confirmation from the Hospital...She DOES have it is a matter of 5-7 days, lots of fluids and rest....We are thinking she'll be back to school by Wednesday..I don't know if the flu shot saved me from this one, but if it did....thank goodness....My hubby and son haven't shown and symptoms as of yet either.....crossing fingers and toes that they aren't still to come.....

Last week, my hubby got the chance to play hockey through work.....He hadn't been on the ice in awhile, so he was thrilled to do so....We went to the J. Louis Levesque Arena to watch him play, and I snapped a couple of pics...

The jersey he is wearing is one that he got when we lived in Ontario.   I worked for CHUM radio, and every year, hockey teams from many of the cities where they had radio and TV stations got together for a tournament....The one year he played, they supplied them with the jerseys, for 1420 THE TEAM(which doesn't exist anymore)

Last week, we made probably the best purchase for our cat, Nova...A cat tree.  Just a small one, but she absolutely loves it!

Hours of enjoyment...and she loves to curl up under that curved part and go to sleep.

A random quote to share....

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.---Mark Twain

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