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Saturday, March 31, 2012

I got a little behind this week on the blog, and at least one of my family members noticed!

My sister pointed out to me last night, that I hadn't posted on my blog since Monday.... got a little behind...So I'm trying to get caught up...It was a busy week at work..The plague(as we're calling it)AKA: the flu like bug that is going around hit the workplace, so we had a couple of people out...I had to have some medical tests done on Thursday and Friday....everything is fine..nothing to worry about...So the week flew by....

I wanted to update you on the bunkbed situation....Construction began on Tuesday evening...

It wasn't as difficult as we first thought.  When I looked at the number of pieces, I thought, "Oh boy.  This is going to take my husband a week to put together!"  I was a wife of little faith.  It was completed by the end of the night.

Oh, wait...It wasn't totally complete when I took this picture.  The ladder was the last thing my husband put on.  That came on Wednesday night.

Both of the kids love it.  We still need to rearrange his room...But they're both excited now they can have sleepovers in my son's room!  The two of them sit on the top bunk and watch his TV, and they think it's very exciting to be up top! 

Gee, I wish I had a bunk bed too.....  :(  (Do they make them for adults as well?)

The playground area at Centennial Park offers a whole other experience!

As you may have seen in my previous post, we decided to walk around the Lake at Centennial Park....But there's no way we were getting away without having some fun at the playground as well..  They have some very unique things...

(Yes, that is my husband on the other swing!  He is a big kid at heart!)

Some crazy looking playground equipment!  It's almost like an obstacle course!

This is the Splash Park!  In the warmer months, this place, is packed with kids, running through the water.   It provides a chance to cool off with a little added fun!

So, we left Centennial Park, because it really started to cool down...It clouded over, and it was getting a little bit windy.....But our Saturday wasn't over yet..

We decided to take a bit of a drive to Salisbury, a small community near Moncton...

Now, my husband and son have crashed on the couch!  Wore them right out I guess!  Us ladies(my daughter and I) are stuck to do the grocery shopping I guess!!!  It's true what they say, a woman's work is never done!!!

A chilly morning at Centennial Park

It has been a busy family Saturday so far... First, we went to Jean's Restaurant for breakfast.  Then we headed over Centennial Park for our walk..

We decided to feed the ducks first, and then did a walk around the Lake.

There are also Canadian Geese at Centennial Park.

Then we did our walk around the Lake.

It is another beautiful place to walk.  It was a bit chillier than we thought.  There are still ice patches on the Lake.
But the kids didn't mind...

Once we were finished at the Lake, we moved up to the playground...But I'm saving that for the next blog posting!