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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have not fallen off the face of the Earth, despite what you may have thought

So, I disappeared for a little bit.....and a few people noticed...  That was a nice feeling, to have been missed.  So my 365 day thing has really not worked out the way I planned because, well, I haven't posted for almost 3 weeks.....But that's okay.   I have not failed.   I started a blog, and I am going to keep up with it.....and just because I took a bit of a break, doesn't make this a complete loss...(in my opinion anyway)

What have I been doing over the past couple of weeks?  Not a heck of a lot of anything....Have you ever felt like you just needed a break?   To catch up on sleep, to just watch those TV shows that you haven't watched in awhile, and sometimes...just do NOTHING at all?  That has been me.   I've been through a bit of a stressful time, with work and family, but we all go through that once in awhile.....It appears to have passed, and I am moving on, so now it's time to get started again...

One of the things we did do over the past couple of weeks is look at tent trailers......We have been thinking about buying one....A nice activity for the weekends during the summer.....Lots of family time....But we have decided against it for this summer.    It'll be something we save up for for 2013...

At one of the RV Centres in Salisbury, they have scarecrows.....and the kids had a lot of fun posing for pics with them! 

My parents returned from Florida...They're back home now.  We are headed to PEI this weekend for Mother's Day.......With them, they brought bikes for the kids......The number of compliments we've received...Wow!  You'd think that  they're both driving BMW's or something!

We took them to Mapleton Park this past weekend and they rode while we walked.....My son is still learning to pedal....

I can't go to Mapleton Park without taking a few pics of the wildlife as well...There are lots of opportunities to get shots of the squirrels!

And finally.....along with the bikes, my parents also sent back some cool shades.....

So, I promise to keep posting!  Softball season has begun, so there will be much to talk about with regards to that....and Mother's day this weekend...Municipal Election night is coming up, and of course, I can't forget my Bingo Bus weekend with the ladies on the May long weekend!  I'm headed for Maine!  

So there's lots to come!

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