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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our weekly Saturday walk...We headed for Downtown Moncton today

We had taken a drive to Dieppe to pick up four tires for the van.....It needs new all season tires this year to pass the safety....We also had a few other places to go, but we wanted to ensure we got our walk in we decided to park behind my workplace, and walk some of the trail along the Petitcodiac River....Makes for some very nice pictures, and an opportunity for the kids to throw rocks into the water, which happens to be one of my daughter's favourite things to do....

This is a picture from the rear of the building where I work...

Chateau Moncton

 Irish Families Memorial

 The Petitcodiac River(AKA:  The Chocolate can probably figure out why it is also called that)

 The Moncton Skatepark

The kids posed for a few as well...

On Friday, my daughter and the other kids at her school went out into the yard in advance of Earth Day to pick up garbage...They've taught her the importance of cleaning up, in order to help protect the Earth....She obviously learned something....because during our walk today, she decided that she needed to clean up, and began picking up garbage along the trail...

What is really awful is that we could've taken an hour or so, just picking up all of the litter.....There was so much of it....Coffee cups, food containers, paper, etc.....But I'm proud of her for just doing her part...even if she was only able to pick up a few things...Maybe they need to put more garbage containers along the trail.....I know that is something I noticed in Halifax...They had several trash cans along the Harbourfront..
Maybe if we had more here in Moncton, it might encourage a few more people to take the time to drop their garbage into the can, as opposed to just throwing it onto the ground..

I must also mention, that I spent part of my morning over at the Moncton Coliseum.......Tickets for this summer's Bruce Springsteen concert went on sale, and I went over to do a few interviews for work, and also did a live interview with Erin Trafford on the weekend edition of Maritime Morning....There weren't as many fans as I expected, and I anticipate there are still a lot of grandstand seats left.....I think people like to wait to buy their tickets to Magnetic Hill....There are so many available, that chances are, you probably won't miss out on the show if you wait.....There are less grandstand seats to go around, but I guess it depends if you want to be able to sit, or stand...
I think I'll wait and see if there are any other bands that will be playing the Hill this summer....Springsteen tickets are $115 a pop, which is a little steep for me..and I'm really  not that big of a fan anyway...

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