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Monday, April 2, 2012

Silly hat anyone?

Okay, here's one of the joys of being a parent....7 o'clock at night..."Mom, tomorrow is silly hat day!  I need a silly hat to wear to school!  Can you go out and buy one?"  My response, "Go talk to your father.."  His response, "Go talk to your mother..."    So, the wonderful mommy I am, headed out to Value Village, with only an hour to go before bedtime,  to see if I could find a silly hat...because of course those kinds of things are donated on a daily basis...(can you sense my sarcasm here?)  Anyway, I did come home with a cute little hat that I figured we could decorate up with pom poms and feathers and such.....

So I hauled out the glue gun....and here's what we came up with...

Not bad for something we threw together in a matter of twenty minutes eh?

Here's my daughter modelling it...

I actually kind of felt badly for ruining a perfectly good hat...It was pretty cute before we added all of the decorations....

My daughter looks pretty cute in just about any hat!  Even if it is a silly hat!

See Mom and Darlene!   I CAN be creative!!!  ;)

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