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Friday, April 6, 2012

Mmmm.....Our first barbecue of the season...

My husband is officially a man now.  He has a new barbecue that is worth bragging about...You know what they say about "a man with a big barbecue"  wink wink nudge nudge...  LOL

We knew at the end of last season that we were going to need a new one, because the metal on the old one had rusted through, and frankly it would have been unsafe to use this year....This is our fourth barbecue since we met over 12 years ago, so when we came to the conclusion that we would need a new one, my husband decided that we would invest in a half decent one, instead of finding a cheap one at  the store....We've proven that "You get what you pay for"  when it comes to barbecues...

This afternoon, he decided to put it together...

Almost there!!!


We had steak.....

The kids had hot dogs(by their choice....I don't get it)

Here's the barbecue..dirty for the first time...and this one you're not supposed to use scrapers with wire bristles  on this one...After I read that news story about the number of cases in the United States of individuals who have ended up in hospital because of those wire bristles...Apparently they've had individuals who have ended up in Emergency because they've cleaned their BBQ off with the scrapers, and the bristles have stuck to the grill.  Then when they've cooked their food, the wire bristles have gotten stuck in the food and then have been swallowed.....and have caused injury to the stomach or bowels..I would think with some of those scrapers(especially the ones from the dollar stores) that the wire bristles come off easily..

I imagine there will be many more steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs to come this summer!  I'll be stocking up on the barbecue sauce and HP.....Now all we need is a trampoline and a pool for the backyard and we'll be all set! (and a lottery win to pay for it all!) :)

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