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Friday, April 6, 2012

A Good Friday afternoon in the yard....

The great thing about a new barbecue to the parents, is the barbecue....To the kids, it's the great big box that is came in.....There's a lot you can do with a big box...You can make a homemade house, or you can rip it open, lay it out on the deck and colour to your hearts content.....That's what my kids love to do..

There's no real full picture there, just a lot of doodling.....and for my son, he practices writing his name amongst other things...

Now, if you have been following my blog at all, you may recall our concern for my son, and not being ready for Kindergarten....I think he has come leaps and bounds from then....This is an example of his writing skills now..Two months ago he couldn't have done all of this....The fact that he can write Winnie the Pooh's name from memory is pretty impressive in my opinion...And the writing of his own name has come a long way as well...So, I'm not as concerned as I used to be that he wouldn't be ready..I think he'll do just fine.... 

The Morning Doves were visiting again.  This one landed on our deck....

I think the birds just like to torment Nova, our cat.....

And we have our first official sign of spring in our garden....

I have a really good feeling about our garden this year!

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