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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day in PEI

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, my parents recently returned from Florida and are now back in their home in Prince Edward Island.    It's a pretty amazing place....They're on a country road, kind of in the middle of nowhere, but not entirely because they have neighbours....But their neighbours are far enough away, that when you look out the window, you aren't staring at the side of their house just feet away....My parents have about 1.5 acres of land(I think).....It's a far cry from the houses they owned in Ontario...They were all in subdivisions, packed with home after home after home....So I imagine this house in PEI has been a bit of an adjustment.....But it is so peaceful ....I sat outside on their front deck for about 10 minutes on Sunday morning, and it's just nice to breathe the fresh air, and enjoy the quiet....

This is a view from the front porch, looking at their driveway...

This is my dad's garden...or at least one of them..He is starting up a new one on the other side of the yard where he plans to grow corn....In this garden, this year, he'll have cucumbers, onions, carrots, beets, radishes, strawberries and potatoes.......My dad grows some great strawberries!   His neighbour Roger, has earned himself a reputation as the strawberry thief!  He comes over on his four wheeler and stops by for a snack on a regular basis during the summer...LOL :)

This is also the view from the front porch.

My parents have an old play set for the kids.  It was there when they moved in.  My husband and my dad decided to move it over the weekend closer to the back of the yard...

My dad's garage.     He built it new when they moved in.....

And finally the back of the house.....

One of the things I love is the number of birds they have in their yard....My dad built a bird house that they put on top of their clothes line...and this year a family moved in.....I did my best to get some pics of the parent birds flying in with food for the babies(which you could hear clearly from the ground while they chirped away)...It was hard though to catch the bird who would go in, feed the babies, then fly away...

My parents also like to watch the hummingbirds....They have a feeder on their front porch...

They are extremely hard to get a good picture of.  I had to take these through the front window looking out onto the porch, because if you sit on the porch, you have to be perfectly still or they fly away...They're really neat to watch, how fast their wings go...

My kids always love a ride on Poppy's four wheeler......That's one of the toys my dad bought when they moved back to PEI from Ontario...

 My husband loves it too, because he gets to drive it, and he is definitely a kid as well!

And finally, the pond......It's not quite finished yet.....My dad is planning to built up the rocks a bit more for more of a waterfall.....But it's a start....I couldn't get a picture of any of the fish, because they were all hiding underneath....But he has about 12 or 13 fish.....Some of them are fairly big....

So as you can see, it's a pretty nice lot....Lots of work for my dad to do around the yard......A  major adjustment going from the big city in Ontario, to this.....A lot slower paced, that's for sure....

That's my mom!  Happy Mother's Day!

And my dad sitting with Spicey....She is having a hard time getting around....A bad hip I think...She hobbles around a lot now......My parents dogs are spoiled to death!(just like us kids were, and still are!)  The Yorkies are my parents new babies....
Like my dad's pants?  One fish, two fish from Dr. Seuss!  (he'll probably kill me for that pic)  I think they are the coolest PJ pants!  Not many grandkids can say, "My Poppy wears Dr Seuss PJ pants!"

That's Cinnamon with my son...She is my parent's other Yorkie...

After a long Mother's Day weekend in PEI, we hit the road and headed for home.......And the exhaustion kicks in.....The kids caught a few Zzzzzzzzz's on the way home.....

(looks like the picture is sideways.....but it's actually my daughter who is....She is leaning on a stuffed animal)

Oh wait, I almost forgot the horse.......We stopped at the cottage on the way home, and my Auntie and UncleMillard (AKA Ucle Poppy) live just up the Hill from it....They board a couple of horses, so I got a picture of one of them who was roaming the fields....I forget the name of this one...I'll have to ask again this summer...

We'll be heading back to the Island in July for vacation!  Can't wait!

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