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Thursday, May 31, 2012

I don't have a gardener's green thumb, but I'm loving it this year!

Last year, I had my front garden cleared out, and a landscaper came in and redid my garden.....He came in, and pulled out all the plants(we had a garden full of perennials, and weeds.....) and he replanted, saying it would be something easy for me to maintain, and it would be very nice.... I know nothing about gardening......I know the basics...plants grow in dirt, and they need sunshine and water......I have a hard time telling the difference between plants and weeds....I know what a dandelion is, but that's about it....

There are some hostas, and I have mini roses, but that's about all I can tell you on that side....

There are some bleeding hearts and more hostas on that side.....

The idea...

When the garden first went in last year, we weren't sure...It didn't look like anything special....But this year, with the rain and warmer temperatures we had early on, it has all come in very nicely.....Probably the best decision I ever made.....and it is so easy to manage now!  Makes a big difference to the front of a house.....

And yes, those are garden gnomes.......My mom made them....Ceramic..They've been in our family a long time....

1 comment:

  1. I think your garden looks really interesting! It's great that even though you don't think you're much of a gardener, you put a lot of affection and dedication into taking care of what you've got. I'd love to know what the garden looks like these days!
