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Thursday, May 31, 2012

A movie date with my hubby? Huh?

I went out for a movie date with my husband for the first time in.........I can't even remember the last time we did this....

It sort of happened by accident.   We were supposed to have a softball game, and I had made arrangements for the kids.   Friends of ours were going to watch them for a couple of hours while my husband and I went and played Co-ed slo pitch....But...the games got rained I called out friends and told them that we didn't need them afterall, but thanks for the offer.,....Five minutes later she called me back, and offered to take the kids for the evening.    She said, "I know he two of you don't get to spend a lot of time we don't mind taking the kids..."  What a wonderful offer......It's not often this happens, and it's great to have friends like this!  It was nice to have the evening out.....

We went to Costco and picked up our passes...

This is the best deal!   $24.99....for two adults, two popcorn and two drinks....We chose this film...

It was my pick....My hubby wasn't totally keen...but he gave in...and agreed....It was in 3D, so we had to pay an extra $6 for that feature.....But the Costco passes, still the best deal! 

We enjoyed the flick....I'd give it an 8.....Tommy Lee, he is aging!    The makeup couldn't even hide how much he has aged....Perhaps that's why he took a bit of smaller role in this film....Josh Brolin did a great job in the role of "Young K"..and Will Smith was fantastic as always....

We got home at around 8:45pm, which is past my bedtime.....The kids were tired, so it was into the pj's and straight to bed.....

It was nice to have an evening out with my wonderful hubby though......Even a couple of hours, makes all the difference.....I love him to death...I'm very lucky to have a man like him...He is a wonderful father, and a great husband who would do absolutely anything for me or my kids.....and even though we don't get to spend a lot of time alone together, I cherish the time we do.....

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