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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Loving this weather! I wish it lasted all year long!

Just wrapped up a weekend of doing good deeds all around.....well, somewhat.  I helped out with the garage sale/bake sale/fundraiser at my daughter's school yesterday morning....They are raising money for a new playground, and now they are $1400 further ahead than they were yesterday morning.....I spent some time in the backyard with my kids, and our latest addition that provides recreational enjoyment for the whole family.

I have wanted one for years....and with the decision not to buy a tent trailer this year, we decided to go ahead and get a trampoline...The kids love it.....It takes up a lot of space in our backyard, and frankly, there isn't much left to our backyard as a whole, but that's okay.....

Now the kids go between the trampoline and the play they have two things to keep them busy.  One of the things I really noticed this weekend is how fast they are growing up.   I think my son has shot up several inches..He seems so tall!  My daughter as well...She is turning into a little lady......Oh boy, do I ever feel old......  :(

We have a lot of birds in our backyard right now, and it drives them crazy when we are out back.....There are baby birds in the trees all around us,  in our backyard and in our neighbours...There is a robin who is constantly flying food back and forth to the nest, and she makes noise the whole time we are out there....It's harder for her to get around us I guess....and our cat goes out on the deck, and the birds drive her crazy!

Once the kids went to bed, my husband and I sat out on the deck with a glass of wine and tried out the new bug zapper....The junebugs were out in full force(and it's not even June!)..Those bugs are so stupid, slamming themselves up against the house....but the noise they make is really eeewwwwy...Yuck! 

 I snapped a few pics of the moon and the clouds.....

Our cat sat out with us as well, and kept a close eye on the junebugs...I can't believe how light it is at 8:30!

So that was my Saturday in a nutshell....

As for Sunday, spent the morning cleaning, and took a few more pictures of the birds...I managed to snap  a photo of one of the baby birds that is in our tree.....She can't fly just yet, and she sits in the same spot in one of our trees...I think it's a robin.....I leaned into the tree as close as I could.....but I think the pictures came out pretty well!

There was also what I think is a blackbird, up near the top of the tree...I'm  not sure if it a young bird or not....

Oh, and I can't forget the ducks that were living in my neighbours pool!  I took these photos a couple of weeks ago.....The same thing happened last year...I don't know if these are the same ducks or not...but they live there until my neighbours have the salt added to the pool water, and then they leave...

This afternoon we took my daughter and her best friend, and my son to Crystal Palace.....They rode the roller coaster four times!   My son's first time on it!      

So, a completely satisfying weekend!   Back to work tomorrow, and I already have plans for next weekend!   Busy, busy!  No wonder warmer weather months go by so much faster than the others!  They're so much more to do!

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