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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Big Year

I watched a good movie over the weekend....or at least I thought it wasn't too bad.    It stars Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson....

Okay, it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it was enjoyable...and it had a really good message at the end....Coming in first place doesn't necessarily mean you've's what you achieve along the way that makes you the real winner.

It's not an action film,  so if you're looking for blood and gore, or guns and fighting, this one definitely isn't for you....It's a drama, mixed with some comedic moments......Jack Black doesn't play his usual crazy role, he actually is somewhat down to earth in this one....If you're a Rogers subscriber, you can get it on demand.....if not, well, I'm sure it won't be hard to find....

It's not a 10.....but I would give it a 7.5......

UPDATE:   After some reconsideration, and a posting from a friend.......I have decided that it is probably worth at least an 8 out of 10.....


  1. Tough critic. I would say 8 1/2. Great story lines to follow and the scenery was breathe taking.

  2. See my update..You're right..I've reconsidered and I'll give it an 8... :)
