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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Probably the best $57 dollars we've ever spent....

Had to figure out how to get our son to stop sitting at the fence, while our neighbours splashed around in their inground pool...We decided, this summer, we're buying one for our yard....Not the kind where they have to come and dig up your yard, and pour concrete, that in the end costs thousands of dollars...We bought an Intex pool...One of the little blow up kinds that you fill with water and it has a pump...It's an 8X30 pool.....We only have a 4 foot tall fence, so we can't have anything deeper than 3 feet....So this one was just perfect...It's not very big, but it is perfect for the kids, as we found out today...

As you can see,  my son likes to wear the life jacket...He says, "Mommy, it's not safe without a life jacket!" 

The kids had so much fun this afternoon..Spent most of it in this pool.....We've aded a ladder, bought it from someone off kijiji who live just up the street....a ladder and one of those nets to clean the pool....$10...What a bargain.....

6:15pm, it started to rain, so we told them they had to come in......

This was them about an hour later.....

Now I know exactly how to tire them out on the weekends!

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