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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Father's Day celebrations

Yes, yes, I know.  Father's Day was on Sunday June 17th, and it is now June 21st...I am days behind........Here's where I start making excuses for why I didn't post this one on time.   First excuse.....You see, I have been filling in this week for the Talk Show on our radio station and that has consumed much of my time....Hmmmm, well that's not really all of it....Excuse number two..The kids have consumed the majority of my time....Well, that is partially true, they have been keeping me busy..Excuse number three...Just physically exhausted at night...Well, yes, that is true...SO, combine the three excuses, and then on top add that I just didn't make the time to update my blog, and there's your answer...

Late or not, Father's day around our household was a lot of fun this year.....Daddy got to sleep in til 9am(the kids decided on that)...I made the coffee, with my daughter's help....I poured the cereal, cut the fruit, and put it all out on the table....and the kids woke up Daddy by jumping on him and tickling his feet....

This is the giant Father's Day card that my daughter picked out at Walmart.....It was pretty funny...

My daughter did a father's day card at school as well.....It was much like a tool box, with paper tools included.  Each tool had a task written on it, that she plans to help her dad with, including mow the lawn(which she has already asked several times to help with!  Get 'er trained young I say!), also breakfast in bed, and a couple others.....

And finally my son's gift to his Daddy.  They make the coolest gifts at his preschool!

He also got a couple of t-shirts....Both most appropriate.....And two pairs of smurf boxer shorts(I forgot to take pictures of those)

To wrap up our Father's Day, we decided on a family board game, one that we had been promising to play for a week now......

We teamed up, boys versus girls!  The girls whooped the boys butts!   They were bankrupt!  My daughter was a little concerned at first because I was spending all of the money buying properties(it was her first time playing)....but she put her full trust in me when we WON!  Disney Monopoly champions!   The boys are out for revenge though....and they'll play that much harder next time.(Daddy doesn't like losing very much..Heehee)

As for my dad, if you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know all about him....He got his very own posting for his birthday......We were over to see my mom and dad in PEI in May, over the Mother's Day weekend, and I brought him his gifts....But you'll have to wait until I go on vacation to see them.  He has them set up beside his pond now, and I'm sure they look FABULOUS!  Solar light bulrushes.....The frogs will be rushing to live in his pond....I also picked him up a solar bug light, but he already has I returned it for something else, which I'll be giving him when we head to the Island in a few weeks.....and one other thing, which I will have him model and I'll take photos for later.....It has to do with the show "Storage Wars."  "Yeepppppppp!"   (I'm addicted to that show!)

He's a pretty special guy, even though my kids drive him crazy now....(and I'm sure that I drive him crazy too)  Can't blame him though...My father has a wife, and lived in a household with three daughters.....That's four women under the same roof...Holy cow, I can't remember if we all shared the same cycle, but if we did, he managed to make it through somehow!!!!!

This is a pic of my dad(he's the one bent down putting wood on the fire), and his buddy Roger from the house next door(AKA the strawberry thief!  Ha Ha)

I borrowed the pic from my mom's facebook page...

As for my Father-in Law, well,  Ed's looking down on us from Heaven....Probably sitting in a big ole chair watching The Three Stooges or old Westerns or something....(the Hubby is getting teary eyed right now reading this I'm sure..) 

Anyway, belated or not, a big Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there!(that's includes those single moms too who act in the role of mom and dad)   A dad's job is just as important as the mom's(even though we carried, and delivered the kids, and won't EVER let you forget it!!!!)

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