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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting older really sucks.....but he still smiled as he turned 39..

My hubby......It will be 10 years ago on August 3rd that he married me(what a decision that was!)  We met in 2001, as ball players.....Ended up on the same slo-pitch team together in London, Ontario.....I was brand new to the team, he was a friend of a friend to the person who ran the team....I played first, he played shortstop.....and if first impressions were any indication, we would not have been together today.....I looked at him and thought, "Oh great, muscular shortstop.....Will probably mock me if I miss....Typical jock."  He thought, "Oh she works in radio...Is on the air...Probably has quite the ego.."Took a few weeks, and we warmed up a bit...I was dating someone else at the time.....but when we broke up, I got a call one afternoon to go play ball in a tournament......Guess who it was.....Then he asked me out to dinner....and it was pretty much history after that.......We had been dating for about a year when I got another job in Kingston, Ontario and I was planning to move....but he wouldn't have he proposed and moved himself with me......Two dozen roses and a beautiful ring which he designed....We married in 2003.......

This is my husband....

Okay, that's my husband acting kooky, as he often does with the kids......

He celebrated a birthday yesterday....39 years old(younger than me, I must add!)  The kids and I took him out to Swiss Chalet yesterday.....

This is what he really looks like.....He is the best husband(he has put up with me for the past 10 years...That's pretty impressive!)   And I think he is probably one of the only guys that I brought home that my parents actually approved of...(Most of the others were jerks!) 

He is also a great father, who spends every moment he can with the kids...He always wants them to have the things that he never had.....(okay, the 4 wheeler belongs to my father, but my hubby always takes the kids for rides)

He has always been there for me, through thick and thin...Stuck by my side through the rough times.....has handled my moodiness(that comes with getting up at 3am every morning to go to work...some afternoons and evenings, I'm a tad cranky!)  He was there for me when I delivered his two kids, holding my hand, tolerating my yelling through the pain, and coaching me through.....

39 years old....But sometimes, not a day over 15......But that's okay...Sometimes I think he helps to keep me young...It's like having 3 kids.....

We work well together....I come up with all of the great ideas when it comes to home renovations, gardening, etc.....and he does all the work!    Works out perfectly!  LOL  (He knows how to use a shovel well)  He has come a long way with home renovations....I think if it weren't for the two of us working together, he never would have tried the things he has....Like laminate flooring, ceramic tiling, etc.  We made a great team!  (we also procrastinate well together!  LOL)

He's getting older, but he sure doesn't let it get him down...

His birthday was June 29th.....I'm posting this a day late, but that's because we stayed up late last night as a family to celebrate...

Love you Jay, and Happy Birthday!

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