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Monday, June 11, 2012

Doing the pigeon...(and the goose and duck)

Remember the song that Bert always sang on Sesame Street? 

Believe it or not, that video is from 1973!  Man, I feel old!!!!

Anyway...the whole relevance is,  that every time I see a pigeon, it reminds me of that song!

We occasionally see pigeons in our backyard, and there were a couple resting on the power lines behind my house tonight..

On Friday, we went to Centennial Park ....and the ducks and Canadian Geese were gathered at the shore area, where they were endulging in a full feast with the number of people feeding them.  These birds have grown so accustomed to getting fed, that you can actually go up and touch the birds...

The kids played on the teeter-totters....remember these?  You don't see them around very often anymore....

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