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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Preschool graduation...Sniff, sniff!

My son, 4 years old already.....graduated from Pre-school.....Can I believe it?  Not really....The fact that he is getting older......Wait....I'm not sure if it's harder realising that he is getting older, or suddenly figuring out, that if HE is getting older,so am I!  We had this conversation in the newsroom the other day...Apparently I am middle aged...Uh-uh....No way, not happening.....NOT MIDDLE AGED!  Apparently 40 is middle aged.....Nope, forget it...Can't convince me......Denial.....Denial...Denial...

Anyway, there was a graduation ceremony at my son`s school.  My husband attended....You see, I attended another Kindergarten event two days earlier, which just happened to be held in the middle of the morning...My son went to Kindergaretn class and then rode the school bus, so I left work early..Then my husband did the same two days later because the graduation was also held in the middle of the morning...

The program

The graduate

My husband said the kids all lined up outside, and the parents were all sitting inside....They paraded in one by one, the proudest kids you`ve ever seen....The teachers called their names and they each went up and accepted a diploma!   The little caps were made out of construction paper, with the little tassels added...

It`s onto Kindergarten in September!   There`s a whole new world of trouble my son can get into there....but I`m ready..He`s a smart little kid, and there`s a whole new adventure just waiting for him....(besides, his sister will be on the next playground ready to bop the first kid that picks on her little brother! LOL)

My daughter, smart as a whip....Received a FANTASTIC report reading above her grade level, and was a pleasure to have in class!(Must take after her mom...LOL)   She is signed up to enter French Immersion in September, grade 3......We are wavering on the idea, simply because it seems that a lot of the parents I have spoken to aren`t putting their children in for grade 3, they`re waiting until grade 5.   Apparently the number of children who signed up, was way down ...I don`t know if that is just at my daughter`s school, or if it was right across the District......I think parents are nervous about it, because they`re concerned the provincial government might bump it back to grade 1, it could mess the kids up....We`ll see.......We can always change our minds before September and put her into English instead, but we`ve got a couple of  months to think about it...I really would like her to learn the French language, but whether or not she needs to learn it now or not is what we have to think about....

She was sad that school was over for the summer..She`ll miss her friends, but she brought home a bunch of phone numbers, and she is starting a new program next week that will keep her busy for the next couple of months...I think she`ll have a lot of fun, and meet a whole whack of friends.  Some of the outings she`ll be going on include going to Fundy Park, and even learning to play tennis!  Geez, can I take the summer off too?

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