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Monday, July 30, 2012

Sandspit and Shining Waters, in Cavendish, PEI

The kids tend to convince us to pay a visit to Sandspit and Shining Waters every summer.   I'm not the biggest fan of of Sandspit.   When you grow up in Ontario, and you spend time at places like Canada's Wonderland, Sandspit hardly compares....But it is a fun place for the kids.....$87 for a family pass....It's a bit hefty in my opinion for the rides...especially since my son isn't big enough to ride many of them yet....But if provides for some amusement...

I attempted to videotape the roller coaster ride on my camera....

This is the view  from the top of the Ferris wheel.

Look way down....That man in the white shirt and ball cap is my hubby... 

Next up was Shining Waters..$74 for a family pass...I enjoy this park much more, because of the water slides...and the kids are big enough now that they can go down the majority of the slides.....

 She conquered the dragon!

 The water slides!

The Mirror Maze 

An Alpaca...This is the craziest looking animal I have ever seen...Its face looks like a china doll! 

This is a next that was way up in the rafters in the barn...I was trying to get a pic of the baby birds...

 The donkey...My kids call him Eeyore....

 The Chicken Show...For some reason my son remembers this from year to year...In their song, they claim they're going to escape....Well, they're not trying too hard, because they're the same chickens that were there three years ago!

It was an all round great day!  The sun was shining, and fun for all.....even picked up a pizza from Pizza Delight on the way home....But tired, oh so tired at the end of the day!!!!

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