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Saturday, July 14, 2012

More random pics from the last couple of days

 Heading over the Confederation Bridge to PEI...Did you know that it was 15 years ago that the Bridge was built?

This the latest landscaping in Borden, PEI when you first crossover the bridge....They are trying to create an effect something like the sand dunes, I believe...
 The next three pics are of the newest house in the Meadowbank, PEI(in the area of our cottage anyway.)  A huge house overlooking the West River.....I can imagine what the inside of this one looks like! 

"It's my beer, so keep your paws off."

My rose bush...Thye story behind this.  I bought this bush 7 years ago...It died by the end of the season, but I never gave up.  The man who came in and redid my garden last year replanted it for me....and look at it now....

"Hey Poppy!  I'm gonna cut the lawn for ya okay?"

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