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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Party, party, party in Meadowbank, PEI !!

It's not very often that my family gets together for a big bash with lots of people and of course lots of food(can't forget that) but when there's an opportunity, we take advantage.  My sister planned a get-together for four birthdays(she is the planner..Me, not so much)  It was held at her cottage in Meadowbank, Prince Edward Island.

So, there were sausages, hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salad, broccoli salad, oysters, coleslaw, devilled eggs, tomatoes,  and cucumbers....Oh, and wait, I can't forget the dessert.  Maple squares, chocolate chip squares and birthday cake.  Maritimers love their desserts.  When I got married, (ten years ago next month) we had a buffet...and there was a lot of the food leftover, but very little dessert!  Our guests had their fill of the sweets...even the man who was looking after the buffet said the same thing..(I am blaming part of my weight gain since I moved to the Maritimers on the number of delicious sweets available here....They really know how to bake!  It,  of course has nothing to do with the fact that I need to get out and exercise a little more.....nope, not that at all......)

The birthday ladies.   The one on the end, my Mother-in-Law Audrey turned 70...and the other two, Rand-Lee turned 23 and my niece Emilee turned 23 as well.. 


So, there were supposed to be four birthdays....But one of them didn't show up until later....(which is why he isn't in any of the pics)

Here are some of those who attended..My brother-in-law Scott

My nephew Dalton

 My husband and his mom(one of the birthday girls, doesn't look a day over 45)

Two hot ladies that were hitchhiking and my sister and her husband picked them up on their way down East from Ontario!  LOL(no, truthfully this is my niece's best friend Lauren, with Dalton's girlfriend Jordie)  Very nice to meet them for the first time!

My mom(she is going to kill me for this pic, I'm sure), and once again my Mother-in-law....I don't think they were ready to have their pictures taken!

My dad, Auntie Mabel, and my cousin Chris

My cousin Scott, and Tim..

My cousin Dana, his wife Martha and Auntie Anne

and my hot sister Darlene, and Auntie Mabel...(they headed out clubbing after the party I think!)

The young-ins all sat off at their own table....

So overall, I think that every had a pretty good time. 

I only get to see my sister and her family once a year, because they live in we usually plan our vacation around when they come to the Island....They come for 3 weeks in the summer..They have their own cottage in PEI...but I don't think that my sister relaxes for a single moment while she is here....She is constantly go, go, go...

I think of when I was younger and used to come to PEI as a teenager....There was always something to do, hanging out with my cousins, or swimming down at the river......My kids won't have the luxury of having cousins who are the same age as them when they get older....There are no young kids left, or at least not as young as my kids are...I guess they'll have to occupy their time with something else, or they'll just end up wanting to stay home..I hope not...

Everyone is getting older...What a depressing thought.....I don't want to be old just yet(I wish I had a choice!)...The kids keep me a point.....but sometimes I think too much about the fact that  my kids won't have the opportunities that my sister's kids have, or when I came to PEI on vacation for that matter.........because they're younger, of a different generation...My cousins, who are my age now, didn't have or don't have kids....So there's really no other kids around that are their age.  One of my nieces does have kids the same age, but it's a matter of coordinating so that perhaps we are on vacation at the same time!

I'm off on a tangent here...That often happens when I start talking about family...

It was nice to have everyone together....Good people, good food, good times...

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