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Monday, September 3, 2012

Jellystone Park Woodstock, New Brunswick

What a great way to wrap up the camping season.(it might be our last trip out....We haven't entirely decided yet)  An incredibly busy weekend at Jellystone Park in Woodstock, NB.   We stayed three nights, and didn't stop for a minute!  There are many activities for the kids, including games, water slides, jumping pillow, hayrides, playgrounds, a pool, bedtime stories, mini golf, crafts, and the list goes on!  We had out first rainstorm while camping.  We arrived Friday night and there was a severe thunderstorm warning in  effect...It started pouring with lightning and thunder a couple of hours later...  But we didn't feel a drop of it(with the exception of when I had to walk up to the bathroom....and it actually started pouring while I was there..I waited for it to stop..but no such luck!)  And we had some rain on Sunday as well...  A good time to play a few games of Crazy Eights, and I taught the kids how to play "Snap"  and "War" as well.  A couple more we can add to our list...The kids just loved Yogi Bear..  :)

Lowering the flag..They did this every night...And they raised the flag in the AM as well..

The kids got to choose a couple of friends to take home.....and they decided that pictures were needed!

This is a jumping pillow, for those of you who have never seen anything like it before..

Sitting, waiting for the present to come around in the Present Game!

This is when the adult time began!

Yard sales around the campsite!  My daughter found herself a Little Pet Shop dog

Froot Loops!  (I'm referring to the cereal, not the kids)  

Playground fun!

Mini golf!  Who won?  We're really not sure.....

Killing time waiting for the rain to stop..

More playground fun..

Our site!

They had a really neat thing at the Park...Jellystone Mining.  You purchased a bag of dirt, that contained real gems...and you used a sifter, if you were actually mining for gems....They had an area with the running water, and the kids scored big time!

An arrowhead!
Some of the smaller rocks they found..

Oh, and I can't forget Double Chocolate Bar Bingo!  The cost to buy a card...Two full sized chocolate bars....We played 5 games.....The first four had a prize of 67 chocolate bars!  The jackpot......167 chocolate bars!!!!!  We unfortunately didn't win....  :(

So, not sure if this is it for the season or not....We're still trying to decide if we'd like to do one more outing in September and then call it a season....Maybe one weekend...Not sure where yet...It's been a great season!  We are loving camping...

I have one more weekend to post about..I am a little behind in my blog...We also spent some time at Gagnon Beach in Cap Pele...That post still to come!

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